COVID-19, commonly known as the Coronavirus, is an upper respiratory infection where the victim may exhibit flu-like symptoms. As of March 17th, 2020, there are 4,226 cases and 75 deaths in the U.S, and over 153,000 cases worldwide.
Droplets of bodily fluids - such as saliva or mucus - from an infected person are dispersed in the air, on surfaces, or on objects by coughing or sneezing. These droplets can come into direct contact with other people or can infect them when they touch infected surfaces and then their face.
If you believe you caught the infection at work, you may be entitled to Workers’ Compensation.
You May be Entitled to Workers’ Compensation Benefits.

Say, for example, you are a doctor, nurse, paramedic, or EMT, you have assisted a patient who has tested positive for COVID-19 and then you contract the illness. If you acquired the virus within the course and scope of your employment, you may be entitled to benefits.
You can petition for benefits directly with the Department of Labor, which can include:
Medical care
Lost wages
Reimbursement of travel costs for medical care
Permanent Impairment
This is a new disease, so the research necessary that establishes permanent impairment as a result of the Coronavirus, is limited. However, a study revealed that recovered COVID-19 patients could experience reduced lung function, and other limitations.
Once treatment has been completed, your doctor may determine whether you are permanently impaired
If you have been injured on the job, the experienced Workers’ Compensation lawyers at Kimmel, Carter, Roman, Peltz, & O’Neill may be able to help.