A motorcyclist died on Monday, May 4th, 2020 after failing to steer within the roadway.
As Delaware gears toward the summer months of 2020, it is important to remember some sobering statistics from last year. Within the first five months of 2019, there were 37 motorcycle crashes, 40 motorcycle injuries and 6 motorcycle fatalities.
Safety Tips to Consider

One of the most common reasons drivers give for cutting off or pulling out in front of a motorcycle is that they “didn’t see it.”
AAA, Delaware Office of Highway Safety and Delaware State Police all recommend the following tips:
For bikers, it is important to:
Reduce speeds and/or maintain safer speeds
Keep headlights and taillights on at dusk, nighttime, or rainy weather
Stay 3-4 seconds behind a vehicle they intend to pass, check oncoming traffic from the left side of the lane, signal the intention to turn, and then check for oncoming traffic before passing.
Check their rearview mirror and quickly turn their head to ensure the vehicle is a safe distance behind them when completing a pass.
Wear helmets that meet a high protection standard.
Wear proper clothing, eyewear and sturdy, closed-toe footwear.
Motorists can help to make the roads safer for motorcyclists by taking some simple precautions:
Be extra cautious on weekends, when more motorcyclists take to the road.
Provide motorcyclists adequate room to maneuver. Follow at least three to four seconds behind them.
Allow extra maneuvering room in areas with potholes, pavement transitions and railroad crossings. Motorcyclists may need to slow down, stop or adjust their lane position.
Never try to share a lane with a motorcycle. Motorcycles have the same right to lanes as any other vehicle.
If a motorcycle is nearby, check your mirrors carefully before changing lanes. Motorcycles may be in your blind spots or difficult to see because of their smaller size.
If you have been injured in a vehicular accident, the attorneys at Kimmel, Carter, Roman, Peltz & O’Neill are here to help. Contact us today at 302-565-6100 for a free review of your case.