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Mass Shootings Spiked in May, Despite Coronavirus Lockdowns


Gun Violence Archive, a not for profit corporation formed in 2013, provides free online public access to accurate information about gun-related violence in the United States.

The definition of a mass shooting is a multiple homicide incident in which four or more victims are murdered with firearms, within one event, and in one or more locations in close proximity.

Despite Coronavirus lockdowns, the month of May saw 59 mass shooting incidents which is the highest number that has been recorded by the GVA. There were 418 mass shootings in 2019, and currently, there have been nearly 200 mass shootings in the first 6 months of 2020. June is set to eclipse May’s numbers, the GVA estimates approximately 79 incidents by the end of this month.

As of June 11th 2020, there have been:

  • 7,190 gun deaths

  • 13,283 gun injuries

  • 347 children (age 0-11) shot

  • 1,435 teenagers (age 12-17) shot

  • 178 mass shootings

  • 611 defensive use incidents

  • 868 unintentional shootings

If you have lost a loved one to gun violence, or have been injured by a firearm, contact the attorneys at Kimmel Carter Roman Peltz & O’Neill, Delaware’s largest Personal Injury and Workers’ Compensation law firm for a free review of your case.


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