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  • Writer's pictureEvan M. Brown, Esq.

Autumn Accidents: Legal Steps to Take After a Crash

Autumn road

As autumn arrives, the landscape transforms with vibrant leaves, football games fill the airwaves, and pumpkin spice scents abound. However, this season also brings hazards such as leaves on the ground, shorter daylight hours, foggy mornings, and crisp weather—all of which can contribute to an increased risk of motor vehicle accidents.

If you are ever involved in a car accident, here are essential steps to take to ensure your safety and protect your legal rights:

1. Assess Injuries

First and foremost, check yourself and others for injuries. Safety is the top priority. If anyone is seriously injured, call for medical help immediately.

2. Call the Police

Even if the accident seems minor, calling the police is crucial. They will document the incident in a report, which is essential for insurance claims and any potential legal action.

3. Gather Information

Collect as much information as possible at the scene. Use your phone to take photos of:

  • The accident scene

  • Vehicle damage

  • License plates

  • Insurance cards

  • Driver's licenses

  • Contact information of all parties involved and any witnesses

4. Record a Statement

While the details are still fresh, document your recollection of the accident. If the police are present, provide a clear and accurate statement. If not, record a voice note on your phone or write everything down.

5. Seek Medical Attention

Regardless of how minor your injuries may seem, seek medical attention as soon as possible. Some injuries may not be immediately apparent. Medical documentation will also support any future claims or legal action.

6. Prioritize Health

Your health and the health of those around you should be your primary concern. Ensure you receive the necessary medical treatment and follow-up care.

The Importance of Legal Guidance

Autumn driving conditions can lead to unexpected accidents. Whether it's wet leaves creating slippery roads, reduced visibility from fog, or the early onset of darkness, these seasonal factors increase the likelihood of crashes. If you find yourself injured in a car accident this fall, it’s crucial to understand your legal rights and the steps to take to protect them.

Contact Kimmel Carter for Legal Assistance

While we hope your autumn is filled with fun activities like visiting pumpkin patches, navigating corn mazes, and enjoying the colorful foliage, accidents can happen. If you find yourself injured in an auto or work-related accident, the experienced attorneys at Kimmel Carter are here to help. We provide comprehensive legal support to ensure you receive the compensation and justice you deserve.

Additional Autumn Driving Tips

To minimize the risk of accidents during the fall, keep these additional tips in mind:

  • Drive Cautiously on Wet Leaves: Wet leaves can be as slippery as ice. Slow down and drive carefully through areas where leaves cover the road.

  • Adjust for Shorter Days: With less daylight, ensure your vehicle's lights are functioning correctly and adjust your driving habits to accommodate the earlier onset of darkness.

  • Beware of Fog: Fog can significantly reduce visibility. Use your low-beam headlights and drive slowly in foggy conditions.

  • Watch for Wildlife: Autumn is a peak time for deer activity. Stay vigilant, especially during dawn and dusk when deer are most active.

By taking these precautions and knowing the steps to take after an accident, you can navigate the autumn driving season safely and effectively. If an accident does occur, remember that Kimmel Carter is here to support you with expert legal guidance.


At Kimmel Carter, our team of experienced attorneys is dedicated to guiding you through the Delaware Personal Injury process. If you or a loved one has been injured in an accident, please call us for a free legal consultation at (302) 565-6100.



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